Because you’ve served honorably in the service of your country, you are eligible to join what we believe to be the finest military organization anywhere… The Marine Corps League!
The Riverfront Marines, Detachment #1132 in North Augusta, South Carolina invites you to attend one of our meetings and check us out. Our meeting night is the second Thursday of every month at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church on Carolina Avenue in North Augusta. A meal is served at 6pm and the meeting starts at 7pm.
The Riverfront Marines are not just looking for names on our roster… we are seeking new members who will be active participants in the detachment’s many projects.
By joining us, you will help to keep alive the history and traditions of our Corps, and to continue the good work that we do in our community.
In order to become member of the League, you must have served on active duty in the Marine Corps or another branch of the armed forces of our country for a minimum of 90 days.
Membership dues are $36 for a new member, and $31 for a renewal. A Life Membership will be available to you when you are eligible. You will need to provide us with a copy of your DD214 or discharge for verification of your Honorable Service. Your document will be returned to you.
Interested? If the answer is “yes”, simply click here for a printable form, contact any member of the Riverfront Marines for more information or you can write to us at PO Box 6824, North Augusta, SC 29861.
We’d love to have you become an active member of The Riverfront Marines!